Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Literal Jesus

October Epistle Article
The next time you read through the gospels, really try to read them as the first time you’ve come to them without any preconceived ideas. Really take in everything that Jesus does and says while he was here on this earth. Forget all the commentaries and every story as you’ve been previously taught. If we were to only see Jesus as he is often taught to us, we’d assume that Jesus, the meek and mild, never offended anyone. Be careful that the Jesus you believe in is not the sanitized and safe Jesus that promises you health, wealth, and happiness in this life.
Maybe after so long of being a Christian, we see the reissued commands that Jesus makes and water them down to our believed capabilities. ‘Turn the other cheek’ ‘Don’t resist an evil person’ ‘Give to the one who asks you’ ‘Be perfect.’ When Jesus simply said ‘follow me’, the apostles dropped everything to follow him. But when he went to some others, and they had something else they needed to do first… Jesus went on without them. Jesus is speaking to us in the Parable of the Sower, when he talks about the seeds that grew among the thorns:
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. –Luke 8:14
How often are we distracted by all that the world offers. We find the time to do the things which entertain us, but rarely find the time to read and pray to God. Not that I’m trying to guilt you into it, but if we really loved God, wouldn’t we seek him out? Wouldn’t we long for the next time we’d pray to him? Wouldn’t we long for the next time we read the Bible and eagerly sought out what it teaches us? We should take the time and examine ourselves. What are we really passionate about? What do we really strive for in this life? If Jesus were to ask you, “Follow Me.” Would you drop everything and go? Would you follow Jesus literally or figuratively?

Love God

September 2010 Epistle Article
It’s the most important commandment, as was made clear by Jesus in Mark 12:29-30. But how does someone love a spiritual being that you’ve never physically seen, felt or heard? It’s seems to be a very abstract idea to love God when you really think about it, but as you think deeper, you might begin to realize that it’s no different than when you were courting your spouse. It begins with a constant longing to be with them, to talk with them, discover what makes them happy, and then to do those things for them. You might have written letters to each other or talked on the phone. You sought to spend every waking hour with them. Every moment with them was a blessing.
In the same way, we talk with God in prayer. Sometimes we formalize prayer a bit too much, and then we’re scared into thinking we’re not doing it right. Maybe you might have felt this way before you even begun your relationship with your significant other, but over time you became comfortable with them. It’s the same way with God. Just talk to Him at every moment of the day. There’s no real need to formalize it with ‘Dear God’ or end with ‘Amen’. Do you talk to your spouse like that… ‘Dear Jenny’. I really like how Josiah starts his prayers with ‘Hey God’. It may seem informal, but it’s not irreverent.
When Jen and I were separated by an ocean, we sent letters and emails to each other to keep in touch. I remember reading and pouring over those messages. Getting every bit of information I could from it. I read those letters multiple times. Do you read you Bible in the same way? Do you seek to know what pleases God? Do you want to know more about his character and personality? Do you want to hear how much he loves you?
Finally, when we seek to do things for one another, we bought gifts or made something special for them. Our words were backed by an action. Jesus says “If you love me, you will do what I command” and 1 John gives further instruction that when we love one another, we are loving God. How are you showing your love to God? Beyond the songs and prayers, what are you doing?
Thinking of loving God in these terms helps me to understand Deuteronomy 6:5, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength”. How can we love God with all of our being? Seek to make that the priority of your lives.